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In most cases the fewer ingredients, the better for us. Not in our case though. 


We always begin with the perspective of the human body from the inside. What does it need to function properly, and how best to provide it? It took a while, but the answer was clear: a particular spectrum of nutrients, in the ideal mix.    


So we’ve packed SUPERLOAF with responsibly sourced, safe, reliable nutrients that work together to deliver exactly what the human metabolism needs – while remaining a) delicious, b) undetectable and c) affordable. 


As long as we remain a ‘clean label’ company – i.e. nothing artificial - our research shows ‘more’ can occasionally mean ‘better’. 

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The first ‘talking pictures’ hit cinemas in 1928, the same year the world’s population first hit two billion – many of whom struggled all their lives to find enough to eat. Less than a century later, we’ve passed four times that number and are well on our way to ten billion. But somehow the vast majority don’t, as a rule, go to bed hungry.


The key to this miracle is ‘Big Food’ – the extraordinary human achievement that produces and distributes edible material in quantities unthinkable even a few decades ago. But thanks to various (mainly commercial) factors, it’s not always the best for our health. When it comes to the effect of preventable chronic disease and consequent strain on healthcare budgets, Ultra-Processed Foods are demonised as more disaster than miracle  – often with good reason.


But food produced on an industrial scale doesn’t have to be terrible for us. 


Exactly the same machines that make the foods that make us ill can be used to make food that’s actively good for us.  It depends what goes into it, which depends on the intention behind it.


Our intention is the Common Good.

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Soluble fibres help slow down glucose absorption in the small intestine, 

avoiding the GI spike linked to so much diet-related illness. They also help stop food cravings by keeping us ‘feeling full’ for longer.

Insoluble fibre has a ‘sweeping’ effect on the gut, excellent for removing toxins.  On the way, it also helps us feel full. 

Fermentable fibres provide fuel for the gut microbiome, with widespread beneficial effects all over the body - reducing inflammation and supporting both cognitive and emotional health. 

Many foods contain fibre, but not in the optimal mix – and they don’t all taste delicious. 


SUPERLOAF manages both.

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Efficient nutrition can play a major role in preventing a vast proportion of the diet-related diseases that blight both lives and healthcare systems. It’s massively more cost-effective than curing us when things go wrong. 


Done right, it’s the best medicine there is.   

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It’s said that all new inventions are indistinguishable from magic until you understand how they work.   


And even when you do, SUPERLOAF may still seem too good to be true. 


A white loaf that’s measurably healthier than

most wholemeal or even sourdough loaves?

All that nutritional medicine, packed into a loaf

with the appeal of a ‘normal’ slice of toast?

That works with modern mass-market machines,

at mainstream scale and cost?

With fewer calories and carbs than other breads?


Pure sorcery.


We’re not immune to thinking like that ourselves. We often refer to the ‘alchemy‘ of fermentation, or the ‘gravity-defying’ effect of keeping nutrients intact all the way to the gut. 


Then we take another look at the research, and reassure ourselves. 


Although we still can’t explain how we made it quite so delicious.


Source of calcium. Calcium contributes to the normal function of digestive enzymes.  This bread is high in fibre and a source of protein. Source of copper and manganese which contributes to the normal function of the immune system. High in omega 3 (ALA). ALA contributes to the maintenance of normal blood cholesterol levels. This beneficial effect is obtained with daily intake of 2g ALA.




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